Are “Natural” Sugars Any Better Than Refined White Sugar?

Although the harmful health effects of sugar are now indisputable, we are still eating an incredible amount of it. In fact, the average American consumes three pounds of the sweet white poison per week! And it’s easy to understand why. As we’ve written about before, sugar is addictive, with some brain scans suggesting that it’s […]

Input = Output

What did you have for breakfast today? Or, did you eat breakfast? Will what you ate for breakfast sustain you until a snack mid-morning or are you skipping the snack and going hours until lunch? As the title of this blog suggests, what you put into your body equals what you will get out in […]

Are you stressed?

Another summer comes to a close. Kids are back in school. Stress and tension set back in between work deadlines, kids homework, getting kids to their activities, etc. Past Tense is a tension blend that everyone needs to have in their line of defense arsenal. Past tense reduces the discomfort of stress. The blend features […]

Who doesn’t need Balance?

Everyone could use some balance in their lives, yes? There is actually an essential oil blend called just that, “Balance”. It is a blend from doTerra Essential Oils of spruce, ho wood, frankincense, blue tansy, and blue chamomile oils that make this awesome grounding blend. Balance not only helps stressful situations during the day but […]

Kids & Food Allergies

Children’s health, specifically about how to support food allergies and/or sensitivities, constipation and the elusive pinworm infestation! Food Allergies or Sensitivities Both of these are becoming more and more common in children for a variety of reasons. Contributing factors can include genetics, health of the intestinal flora, mucosal integrity, immune system strength and frequency of […]

Give Thanks

Here’s a challenge: every morning (for the next 2 months) before your feet hit the floor, say one thing for which you are thankful. I bet we will be changed in that two month period. An attitude of gratitude does three things: 1. shifts the mindset – negative thoughts no longer rule. 2. creates solutions […]

National Diabetes Month

Diabetes on the Rise In 1985, 30 million people were diagnosed worldwide. Just 10 years later, the numbers skyrocketed to 135 million. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by 2025 there would be 300 million cases but according to the International Diabetes Foundation, as of December 2015, the diagnosed cases are over 415 million […]

Stop the flu before it gets you!

Immune Support It’s Time For A Little Immune Support! Other Immune Support Echinacea is the obvious choice for long-term support, however, it does not have as profound of an effect for acute illness as it does for enhancing long-term immune health. The Andrographis Complex contains some Echinacea so you don’t have to supplement with any […]

Is pink salt good for you?

Why Himalayan Salt Is Good for You Himalayan pink salt is an extremely pure, hand-mined salt that comes from ancient sea salt deposits in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It’s believed to be the purest form of salt available. As a pink salt, Himalayan salt is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and copper. All […]

Counting sheep? We have the answers…

Supporting the Stress Response If we only deal with the symptom of insomnia without addressing the root cause, we would be doing a huge disservice to our patients. In almost every case where insomnia is involved, there has been a history of prolonged stress. Our first thought is most likely to recommend the Adrenal Tonic […]