Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to call 770.590.7771 or email us to schedule your first appointment

What does a new patient chiropractic exam cost and entail?
Initial chiropractic exams are $395 and include a full series of x-rays as well as a very detailed exam. This first visit will take approximately one hour.

Does my first adjustment take place at the first visit?
Your first actual adjustment will take place at your second visit or what is called the “report of findings”. After your “new patient appointment”, Dr. Dady will compare her notes from your initial exam along with the x-rays that were taken and share her findings with you at your second appointment. She will then proceed with your first adjustment.

How do you determine how long and how often I need to come in?
This depends on the findings of each patient. Dr. Dady will let you know at your second visit how many times per week she needs to see you and how many total visits this should take. (She is estimating given her experience and the patient’s diagnosis.)

Family Plans:
Our focus at the Center for Health & Healing is to actively help you and your family take charge of your health, wellness, and disease management. We assist and guide you to take the time to care for the important people in your world; you and your family. In an effort to make living the wellness lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible, we can create a customized family plan that is specific to you and your family.

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